When you buy something you vote with your dollars. You cast a vote for companies that are dicks or nice people. Buy with intention.
— Allan Branch (@allanbranch) August 3, 2015
Same goes for investing.
When you invest in a company, you are an owner. The values of your company should align to your own personal values.
It turns out, alignment to purpose speak to the results you’ll get as an investor as well.
Something I find interesting, are people who are socially aware in their lives (say with their diet) but who mindlessly buy into index funds without considering that the fund holdings are in opposition to their personal social values. Hmmm.
Are they only socially aware when it’s convenient? When it doesn’t cost money? When people are looking?
If you won’t buy from certain companies, why would you invest in them?
Want to invest with intention in alignment to your values? Check out my book and create your own Elephant’s Paycheck blueprint to lead a wealthier life. Who knows? You might also have some fun along the way.
Let me know what you think