Iām a fan of income, Iām sure you are too.
People still disĀlike the banks, but thereās one opinĀion that says itās not the banks that are the probĀlem:
The cenĀtral ecoĀnomĀic probĀlem of our time is income inequalĀiĀty, espeĀcialĀly the lack of perĀsonĀal income growth for most Americans, which was one of the underĀlyĀing causĀes of the finanĀcial criĀsis.
One of the reaĀsons I feel so pasĀsionĀate about the Elephantās Paycheck is because itās focused on investĀing for income. Itās a solĀid blueĀprint to help you make betĀter deciĀsions and develĀop masĀtery around what you do so that you creĀate healthy habits and can build long term wealth.
It helps you track raisĀes, and those raisĀes hapĀpen year-after-year (unlike your salary which will, at some point, levĀel off) so that you stay ahead of inflaĀtion.
The Elephantās Paycheck solves for, as the quote above says, āthe lack of perĀsonĀal income growth for mostā.
What could be betĀter?
For $11 and a couĀple of hours of light readĀing, you realĀly should buy my book and become someĀone who grows their perĀsonĀal income rather than falling behind.
Let me know what you think