I canât even conÂtain how excitÂed Stockpile makes me. I have such a pasÂsion for investÂing by reinÂvestÂing divÂiÂdends and havÂing monÂey make monÂey. These guys seem to have thought of everyÂthing, and investÂing is as easy as it can be. You can get startÂed with as litÂtle as $1. (Whether it makes sense to do that, is anothÂer stoÂry Iâll disÂcuss latÂer.). I couldÂnât help but write a Stockpile review to comÂpleÂment my reviews of Stash Invest and Robinhood.
What is Stockpile?
Stockpile is the simÂplest way to get startÂed investÂing in indiÂvidÂual stocks, ADRâs (which enable you to invest in non-US comÂpaÂnies), and ETFs that track some marÂket indices or comÂmodiÂties (like gold).
With Stockpile you invest in dolÂlar amounts (not share amounts). I mean, thatâs it. Itâs that simÂple. You can buy $25 of Apple or $10 of Tesla, or whatÂevÂer your heart desires. (I bought $50 of Apple.)
Whatâs nice about buyÂing in dolÂlar amounts is that you donât need to worÂry about the price of the share. If youâre investÂing for the long term, minor daiÂly price moveÂments donât matÂter, and this enables you to invest more easÂiÂly and with a lot less monÂey to get startÂed.
It also takes the focus off of the price at which youâre buyÂing. I believe that when you focus on the price you pay per share, you become more hesÂiÂtant because you want âthe best priceâ. The best price doesnât exist. Sure, if youâre tradÂing, youâre going to want to maxÂiÂmize against tiny price moveÂments. But if youâre just tryÂing to build wealth over time, those tiny price moveÂments are absoluteÂly irrelÂeÂvant.
Pick a good comÂpaÂny, itâs going to be highÂer in five years than it is today, whether you buy it at the daiÂly high or the daiÂly low. Just get startÂed.
For some reaÂson (I have lots of thoughts on this), itâs just so hard for peoÂple to get startÂed. Stockpile breaks down those barÂriÂers. In fact, it inspired me to creÂate a free email course to help peoÂple underÂstand how getÂting startÂed through Stockpile helps them build wealth over time. You should subÂscribe, youâll enjoy it and find it helpÂful (donât forÂget, itâs free):
What I invested in
I wantÂed to see how they hanÂdled the inteÂgraÂtion of digÂiÂtal and physÂiÂcal, so I got myself a $50 gift card that could be applied to any stock. The card came in the mail overnight (even though I didnât pay for expeÂditÂed shipÂping!).
The gift card works like any othÂer â scrape off the back, enter a code, and itâs redeemed. You can do this either online (thatâs what I did) or via their mobile app. The process is realÂly simÂple.
From there, you simÂply pick the comÂpaÂny you want to invest in, and itâs done. Well, done except that you have to wait until the trade clears â which can be the same day, or the next day the marÂket is open. Trades are made at the dayâs closÂing price.
If investÂing isnât the recipientâs âthingâ they can cash out the card for a plain-old gift card. No penalÂty, no risk.
One thing is painfulÂly obviÂous: The Stockpile team are very clear about their tarÂget marÂket.
The Stockpile review: what does it mean to have thought of everything?
I said in my openÂing paraÂgraph that Stockpile has thought of everyÂthing. What does that mean?
First, itâs imporÂtant to underÂstand their tarÂget audiÂence. One thing to make clear, Iâm reverse engiÂneerÂing what theyâre up to â I have no insidÂer knowlÂedge.
A good place to start is comÂparÂaÂtives: Iâve put up reviews of Stash and Robinhood. I realÂly like what those guys are up to also, but they have difÂferÂent tarÂget marÂkets than Stockpile.
Robinhood is a traÂdiÂtionÂal stock broÂkerÂage rethought for the mobile and conÂnectÂed world. If youâve underÂstand buyÂing and sellÂing stocks, doing research, and trackÂing your portÂfoÂlio using traÂdiÂtionÂal metÂrics⊠Robinhood is for you. Theyâve gotÂten rid of all the legaÂcy cruft from traÂdiÂtionÂal broÂkerÂages, includÂing tradÂing fees. Itâs amazÂing, but it doesnât realÂly open the opporÂtuÂniÂties to build wealth to peoÂple who havenât parÂticÂiÂpatÂed in the past. $8 a trade isnât a barÂriÂer to investÂing. Investing is intimÂiÂdatÂing, thatâs the barÂriÂer.
Stash addressÂes the intimÂiÂdatÂing nature of investÂing by using ETFs and more approachÂable lanÂguage. Iâd guess their tarÂget marÂket are 20- and 30-someÂthing proÂfesÂsionÂals (includÂing modÂern proÂfesÂsionÂals, like freeÂlancers and soloÂpreÂneurs) who think about investÂing as anothÂer aspect of manÂagÂing the portÂfoÂlio that is their life. I love Stash, and conÂtinÂue to use it, and absoluteÂly love what theyâre doing around eduÂcatÂing investors to help them get startÂed. Itâs imporÂtant work but investÂing in ETFs is not my preÂferred way of investÂing.
I startÂed investÂing because I got a gift of five shares of stock when I was a teenagÂer. Iâve since givÂen stock as a gift to many, but the traÂdiÂtionÂal way to do this is expenÂsive. Minimum stock purÂchase amounts using traÂdiÂtionÂal divÂiÂdend reinÂvestÂment plans or direct purÂchase plans (also known as DRiPS) are usuÂalÂly in the $250 range. Plus, there are othÂer barÂriÂers. In order to give the gift to a child, you have to have had a cusÂtoÂdiÂan in mind ahead of time, and have both the childâs and the custodianâs social secuÂriÂty numÂbers.
Giving shares as a gift is a gift of knowlÂedge. It cracks open a world of investÂing enough for the curiÂous to climb right in. After I got my gift, I scoured bookÂstores to underÂstand more about how it all worked. What betÂter gift for a child, than the opporÂtuÂniÂty let their curiosÂiÂty have a run?
Itâs espeÂcialÂly fun for kids to own a comÂpaÂny whose prodÂucts they use. Try takÂing your child to the superÂmarÂket to see their P&> or 3M prodÂuct, or to visÂit âtheirâ AT&T, Target, or Walmart store.
Itâs espeÂcialÂly fun for kids to own shares in a comÂpaÂny whose prodÂucts they use. Click To TweetStockpile seems to be going after someÂone who wants to buy and hold and not conÂfusÂing it with an active tradÂing stratÂeÂgy. Theyâre lookÂing for the opporÂtuÂniÂty to teach kids about investÂing, through famÂiÂly (or comÂmuÂniÂty) conÂnecÂtion.
Thatâs the opporÂtuÂniÂty Stockpile presents. I was able to buy two gifts of stock for a friendâs kids. They were smallÂish-gifts, a thank you for a big favor done for me. I didnât have to know any priÂvate inforÂmaÂtion about the recipÂiÂents or their parÂents. All I needÂed was their home address. It couldnâtâ have been easÂiÂer.
If the recipÂiÂent is a minor, when they sign up theyâll have to have a parÂent present (itâs an SEC requireÂment). The parÂent will set themÂselves up as the cusÂtoÂdiÂan, and togethÂer with the child can pick their investÂment.
They get to pick their investÂment in a great way â they can pick a comÂpaÂny theyâre interÂestÂed in. Interest begets interÂest⊠if theyâre interÂestÂed in the comÂpaÂny, theyâll learn more about investÂing in the comÂpaÂny. Itâs just the way we work as humans. Itâs a great way to spur a childâs interÂest in savÂing, investÂing, and how the capÂiÂtalÂist world works (for betÂter and worse).
I hope they play off this tarÂget and figÂure out a way to help peoÂple stay interÂestÂed in their investÂments over time, and make it more of a group effort to do so.
Reinvesting dividends
Stockpile supÂports reinÂvestÂing divÂiÂdends, on both mobile and web apps. However, the âswitchâ is on an account-by-account basis. So, if you want to reinÂvest divÂiÂdends for one comÂpaÂny but not anothÂer, you might have to check with supÂport.
I highÂly recÂomÂmend doing turnÂing on divÂiÂdend reinÂvestÂing. Small amounts of stock pay even smallÂer divÂiÂdends. A few penÂnies or dolÂlars in divÂiÂdends will get âlostâ in your walÂlet. Reinvested divÂiÂdends wonât be missed from your walÂlet, but will accuÂmuÂlate to increase the payÂcheck and raisÂes you receive from your investÂments.
I also hope they enable some sort of autoÂmatÂed monthÂly investÂing options (often called âoptionÂal cash purÂchasÂesâ in traÂdiÂtionÂal DRiP investÂing). Right now, I transÂfer monÂey in autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly each month, but canât assign that to an investÂment autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly.
Getting started with a dollar
Does it make sense to start with a dolÂlar? Why, or why not?
The biggest objecÂtion is probÂaÂbly the fee. If the fee to purÂchase is $1 (itâs actuÂalÂly Âą99 plus a Âą3 credÂit card fee if you use a credÂit card, but I like round numÂbers) and you invest $1, you have to have your investÂment douÂble just to earn back the fee!
Well, if you look at it that way, it sure doesnât make sense.
But, if your alterÂnaÂtive is to not invest at all⊠that $1 fee you pay can be thought of as the cost of eduÂcaÂtion about how to invest. Instead of buyÂing an investÂment book for $20, youâre actuÂalÂly investÂing for just $1. Not bad. Very zen in fact, learn through doing instead of by readÂing or planÂning. Donât underÂesÂtiÂmate the valÂue of havÂing skin in the game as a motiÂvaÂtor to learnÂing more.
Of course, hopeÂfulÂly you can come up with more than $1 to get startÂed. In fact, you have to as the Stockpile minÂiÂmum is $5.
One chalÂlenge with investÂing a small amount of monÂey is that the returns are equalÂly small. If you invest $10 â and do extremeÂly well â maybe youâll earn $1 in the next year on that investÂment. $1 isnât going to make much of a difÂferÂence, is it? No, itâs not. Hard to get excitÂed about earnÂing a dolÂlar.
Not so hard to get excitÂed though about a raise. What if you got a 10% raise? Thatâs excitÂing. We all have to start someÂwhere, and if you have a modÂest amount to invest, itâs still betÂter to get startÂed than not. And, if you can get a 10% raise on your investÂment payÂcheck every year⊠well, thatâs a largÂer raise than youâre probÂaÂbly getÂting at work. And, youâll get it every year.
While I donât want this post to be a pitch for my book, trackÂing the payÂcheck and the raise are realÂly imporÂtant motiÂvaÂtors to build healthy investÂing habits. And, these metÂrics that I use couldnât align more to the way Stockpile helps you get startÂed investÂing.
Iâve creÂatÂed a free email course just for peoÂple who want to get startÂed investÂing and learn more. You realÂly should check it out:
Parents, grandparents, friends
I love the idea of investÂing with othÂers. It sheds light into a subÂject we donât talk much about â monÂey. We use monÂey every sinÂgle day but hardÂly talk about it in any sigÂnifÂiÂcant way. Crazy.
I used to talk to my grandÂparÂents about investÂing. It was fun. Weâd talk about what comÂpaÂnies were doing, what we liked (or didnât) about what they were doing, and what it meant in regards to the way the world was going. We could talk about Exxon and itâs impact on the enviÂronÂment, Starbucks and how peoÂple spent a lot of monÂey on cofÂfee, or Microsoft and the techÂnolÂoÂgy that my grandÂparÂents could nevÂer quite grasp.
Iâm realÂizÂing this isnât a typÂiÂcal review. No need. Itâs so simÂple, just head over to the Stockpile webÂsite and check it out. At the botÂtom of the page they have a set of freÂquentÂly asked quesÂtions which are a good place to start. Of course, they have an app as well, but I think youâd do betÂter starÂing on their webÂsite.
Investing with Stockpile is a style of investÂing thatâs been around for a very long time. Go to many pubÂlic comÂpaÂnies who pay divÂiÂdends, look on their webÂsite for the investor secÂtion of the site. Usually under the area that talks about divÂiÂdends youâll see a link to someÂthing like âbuy stock directÂlyâ. The way Robinhood is disÂruptÂing traÂdiÂtionÂal broÂkerÂages, Stockpile is makÂing these direct purÂchase plans more easÂiÂly availÂable and bringÂing them into the modÂern age.
If you have any quesÂtions about how it works or have your own expeÂriÂence with Stockpile, drop me a line or leave a comÂment below.
Update March 16, 2017
I conÂtinÂue to expand my use of Stockpile. I have moved all my holdÂings from Robinhood (who I love, but isnât the best soluÂtion for me) to Stockpile, and moved my kidsâ accounts over as well (Stockpile is realÂly designed for famÂiÂlies, and helpÂing peoÂple get startÂed investÂing even but not necÂesÂsarÂiÂly from a young age).
Update July 15, 2019
Iâve rewritÂten the final chapÂter of my book and will (evenÂtuÂalÂly) creÂate a new version/edition of my book with these minor changes. As itâs much easÂiÂer for me to release these changes digÂiÂtalÂly via Gumroad, Iâm going to release on Gumroad first. Subscribe to be notiÂfied when I do release to Gumroad. And, like in the past, there will be a subÂstanÂtial disÂcount when I do.
Maybe the offer is no longer valid but I did sign up 04/25 using your affilÂiÂate link and did not recieve 5.00 to invest. I just wantÂed to let you know!
You have to use the link in my review. If you regÂisÂter directÂly from stockpile.com you wonât get the $5.
Good luck and conÂgrats though. I hope you have fun with it.
There seems to be some issue with their referÂral process. I signed up on 4/24 using the link and I did not get the $5 autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly. I conÂtactÂed Stockpile supÂport and they told me I should receive it by the end of the day on 5/1. I conÂtactÂed them again today and they told me they didÂnât show my account as being eliÂgiÂble to receive the referÂral gift card. I had to send them the referÂral link I used to sign up, at which point they did send me a $5 gift card code. You should be able to get this as well if you conÂtact them.
Hi Ben,
Thank you for sharÂing this inforÂmaÂtion. Iâll reach out to them and see why they feel your account isnât eliÂgiÂble so that I can make the review more clear.
I also just signed up today (5Ă·17) using your link and did not get the $5 either. I will conÂtact supÂport as well. Just thought youâd like to know itâs still hapÂpenÂing!
Thanks so much for your reviews/posts!
Hey David,
Great artiÂcle about Stockpile! Iâm thinkÂing about movÂing my loyal3 account since theyâre shutÂting down their platÂform and transÂferÂring to FolioFirst. Any conÂcern about Stockpile users abusÂing the comÂpaÂnyâs accepÂtance of credÂit card payÂments to fund stock purÂchasÂes (by churnÂing and burnÂing just to get points on their cards)? This hapÂpened at loyal3 and they stopped acceptÂing credÂit cards and only allowed bank transÂfers afterÂwards. Thanks for your input!
Hi Earl,
Sorry for the delayed response.
I donât know what Stockpile will do about abuse/fraud. I do know that they are realÂly comÂmitÂted to this space in a very âperÂsonÂal wayâ. Iâm speakÂing more about their leadÂerÂship being comÂmitÂted to fracÂtionÂal share purÂchasÂes to help peoÂple get startÂed investÂing.
Personally, I also have an account with Stockpile that I have for me and both my kids.
Notice that Stockpile has recentÂly added a âreinÂvest divÂiÂdendsâ togÂgle. I highÂly recÂomÂmend turnÂing it on and accuÂmuÂlatÂing even more shares.
Please stay in touch.
I totalÂly agree with you about stockÂpile. I have 4 stock transÂfer agents accounts for my drip accounts. I have two broÂkerÂage accounts to buy and sell stock.I opened stockÂpile account about a year ago and I am now buyÂing most of my stock through Stockpile. My kids are in theyâre mid twenÂties and they now have stockÂpile accounts and put in $15.00 a week in each of their accounts, let it build to $50 and buy some stock.it truÂly is a great deal.are now helpÂing their friends open accounts and start investÂing
Hi Brent,
I love to hear that. I was just talkÂing to the Stockpile guys yesÂterÂday and Iâm hopÂing they add a feaÂture for autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly adding monthÂly investÂing.
I bought my son stock through Stockpile
last year for his birthÂday.
This year I was going to buy him some more.
I asked him if he still had it.
He said he thought I had it.
I told him where I sent it,
it turned out to be his âjunkâ email.
So he redeemed it this week.
I conÂtactÂed Stockpile and asked them why
they nevÂer let me know
that he hadÂnât got his stocks.
What were they going to do, keep it.
My son got his stock,
but he lost the gains that it grew all year.
It was purÂchased when he redeemed it,
at todayâs prices.
They just now sent me an email,
said heâd redeemed his stock,
when and the valÂue.
No âIâm sorÂry,â no nothÂing.
I will nevÂer do busiÂness
with them again.
Once theyâve got your monÂey
piss on you.
Iâm so sorÂry to hear of your expeÂriÂence. Many comÂpaÂnies strugÂgle as they grow and I hope they impleÂment notiÂfiÂcaÂtions like you sugÂgest to improve the platÂform for the future.
How did you move your holdÂings from Robinhood to Stockpile? Did you have to sell and reinÂvest?
I think thatâs what I did because I didnât have much and so the tax impact was minÂiÂmal. There is a $75 fee to transÂfer ownÂerÂship so it didnât make sense to pay that fee.
Yes. I could have paid a fee to move them, I think $75, but I didnât have enough investÂed to make that worth it. The tax impliÂcaÂtions for me were small as a result of the amount investÂed being small.
Hi David â thanks for the review! Feel free to use this link for your readÂers to all get $5 of any stock for free to try out Stockpile.
Earn Money Join the Stockpile Affiliate Program
Send free Stock Gift Cards for the Holidays
I startÂed Stash about a year ago and have a good amount investÂed in my ETFs. I like the idea of havÂing pieces of varÂiÂous things through my ETF but the idea of havÂing a sinÂgle stock in say my favorite comÂpaÂny is appealÂing as well. Do you recÂomÂmend switchÂing to Stockpile only? Or is it plauÂsiÂble to use both?
Hi Mary,
You defÂiÂniteÂly can use both.
I think both can be fun, and also eduÂcaÂtionÂal in difÂferÂent ways. For examÂple, you can see your returns on each and decide which has done betÂter for you⊠or what the impact of the $1 fee Stash charges vs the $0.99 comÂmisÂsion that Stockpile charges.
And, if you have minors who you want to introÂduce to investÂing, Stockpile is great for that⊠I have Stockpile accounts for my kids. Along that line of thinkÂing, Stockpile also has gift cards, so you can give âhealthÂiÂerâ birthÂday or holÂiÂday gifts.
By the way, I have some incorÂrect links that Iâm tryÂing to find. To setÂup Stockpile and get $5, please use http://bit.ly/stockpiledb.
Great artiÂcle, David.
I opened an account yesÂterÂday on Stockpile. I startÂed an iniÂtial investÂment of FB at $100 and then canÂceled the transÂacÂtion. I then received a $100 Gift Certificate for FB and redeemed it immeÂdiÂateÂly ⊠nice! Iâm not sure if that was a sysÂtem glitch, or what, but sure was a nice surÂprise!
So I made some addiÂtionÂal investÂments. A very simÂple way to invest and a lot of fun.
I was thinkÂing of doing this for a few months
The divÂiÂdend part realÂly got me into it now
Love to hear that. Please stay in touch.
I have been using stockÂpile for a few months now and absoluteÂly LOVE it.
With that said, I have not sold any of my shares so far.
I have read an artiÂcle about it on anothÂer webÂsite (highya.com) where over 10 peoÂple left comÂments talkÂing about how imposÂsiÂble it is to get them to transÂfer monÂey from the stockÂpile account back into your own perÂsonÂal bank account and that made me extremeÂly nerÂvous about conÂtinÂuÂing to invest monÂey on the site.
Do you have any expeÂriÂence with this? Have you had any probÂlems with getÂting monÂey transÂferred to your bank account once you decide to sell your shares?
I would hate to stop using Stockpile, but if this is an ongoÂing probÂlem I might need to.
Please let me know.
Thank you so much!
I have not had this probÂlem.
I had no probÂlem with getting.my monÂey back
I would not even worÂry about that
Do you still use this app a year latÂer after switchÂing so much over to it? Still like it as much?
Hi Rachel. Yes, I do. Possibly more because I love the results. Especially for my kids. I was able to buy them each about half a share of Amazon someÂthing I couldnât do in many othÂer places (if anyÂwhere).
Iâm not a huge fan of how theyâre decidÂed to present inforÂmaÂtion. It feels like it takes more clicks/taps than it should to look at inforÂmaÂtion but they have done a great job on simÂpliÂfyÂing any transÂacÂtions and notiÂfiÂcaÂtion (which are more imporÂtant to me).
I canât express how much I love the way theyâve impleÂmentÂed cusÂtoÂdiÂal accounts to help kids get startÂed investÂing.
Nice write-up on Stockpile! Keep on breakin it down for us comÂmon folk⊠I appreÂciÂate you brothÂer.