I feel this is a realĀly imporĀtant quesĀtion as learnĀing is a lifeĀlong pracĀtice. And, investĀing well over a lifeĀtime is about learnĀing the basics so that over time you make increasĀingĀly betĀter deciĀsions.
Iāve found the best way to get chilĀdren interĀestĀed in stocks is to get them a stock (or a fracĀtionĀal share) in a comĀpaĀny that theyāre familĀiar with.
Iāve bought kids shares in Apple and Amazon, and have takĀen my kids into their stores, and menĀtion it to them when we receive some thing from Amazon. Their response is fasĀciĀnatĀingā¦ because they ask to go to their stores and are learnĀing to underĀstand that they own a (very) small piece of these comĀpaĀnies.
Let me answer anothĀer couĀple of quesĀtions:
- How do you teach them someĀthing useĀful, as well as getĀting them interĀestĀed in stocks?
- How do you actuĀalĀly do it? That is, how do you buy them a stock?
For #1 ā I learned about divĀiĀdends earĀly on, and thought about it as āmonĀey makĀing monĀeyā. Back then buyĀing stocks was expenĀsive, hard, etc. (It was the 80ās).
Iāll nevĀer forĀget getĀting the quarĀterĀly stateĀments in the mail showĀing me the amount I āearnedā (it was penĀnies ā I had five shares in a utilĀiĀty ā maybe $100 worth of shares)ā¦ but the idea that my monĀey could make monĀey stuck with me deeply.
Then, TEACH THEM ABOUT COMPOUNDING by reinĀvestĀing divĀiĀdends and show them the divĀiĀdends increasĀing each quarĀter. Even if itās small, you can show them perĀcentĀagesā¦ they might get a 10ā15% raise each year. It takes time, but you will teach your chilĀdren well.
Remember, Albert Einstein was rumored to have said that comĀpoundĀing is the 8th wonĀder of the world. Whether itās true or not that he said it, the senĀtiĀment is absoluteĀly corĀrect. And, when teachĀing kids, this is how they can learn to underĀstand the valĀue of time on their portĀfoĀlio.
For #2 ā and I have no interĀest in this comĀpaĀny othĀer than I love the impleĀmenĀtaĀtion, check out Stockpile. Itās an app / webĀsite that has a great cusĀtoĀdiĀal impleĀmenĀtaĀtion. For teachĀing them, your kids can have their own accounts, track their own stocks, but not have purĀchasĀing powĀer. You can buy for themā¦ and they can have real ownĀerĀship, but withĀout havĀing to give them conĀtrol. If you go to a traĀdiĀtionĀal broĀkerĀage, the account is in your nameā¦ which is OK tooā¦ but youāre givĀing them access to the account, or not. You canāt give them access as the minor.
Other comĀpaĀnies are either allowĀing fracĀtionĀal share purĀchasĀes or soon-to-release the abilĀiĀty to do so:
- Robinhood
- Fidelity (only from their mobile app)
- Schwab (just announced)
If you agree with this, and want to see some of the simĀple āanaĀlytĀicsā or āmetĀricsā that get peoĀple excitĀed read this post. What Should You Measure to Help You Get Started Investing? ā ššµ
These metĀrics will help peoĀple have fun investĀingā¦ instead of thinkĀing of it as a chore, or doing it because them must. Fun is a great, and under-used tool for teachĀing kids about investĀing.
Getting your kids involved in busiĀness and investĀing is so imporĀtant. Iāve found that the best way to do that is to put in the timeā¦ meanĀing, your kids will probĀaĀbly be excitĀed about doing someĀthing WITH you, but not as excitĀed doing someĀthing because you TOLD them to. Thereās a big difĀferĀence between givĀing your kid a book on investĀing and sayĀing āread this and then come back and tell me what you learnedā and sitĀting down and going through it with them and then makĀing investĀments togethĀer. Great post, thanks!
I realĀly agreeā¦ and that of course goes for more than just investĀing. I like to culĀtiĀvate curiosĀiĀty by askĀing quesĀtions, or pointĀing out things that would let them extend the thinkĀing themĀselves. I also use apps a lotā¦ for examĀple, maps or star maps (when we look up). I have shown them their stockĀpile balĀances, explained they own a tiny bit of Apple, and then gone to the stores to see what they sell.
But, often it is just about going for a walk with Dad, or me showĀing interĀest in their thinkĀing on a subĀject.
Thanks for makĀing the time to leave a note. Good luck!